Mental Health Resources for Nurses

Mental Health Resources for Nurses

This spring we made the difficult decision to close our Community App. Our goal this year is to do less better. Being a nurse myself I often try to do much, offer help whenever I can and be everything to everyone. Sound familiar?! 😂
When we decided to close our app we wanted to make sure we had a place to refer you to, to help support your mental and emotional health. While this list is not comprehensive (as I'm sure there are many resources we don't know about), we stand behind these organizations and love everything they're doing for nurses! 
We hope you find the support you're looking for here! Most importantly remember you're a human first and deserve the same support you so graciously give others. 

Mental Health Resources for Nurses 

Nonprofit created to support nurses mental health and prevent suicide
Community app, our Nurses Inspire Nurses book club and amazing CE resources (use code NURSES20 for 20% off state renewal packages)

Rekindled Nurse
A nonprofit with a mission to empower, support, and encourage nurses through resources + events

Operation Happy Nurse
Helping you cope with all the pressure being a nurse can bring

The Resume Rx
Community for nurse practitioners (and other amazing career resources for nurses)

The Nursing Beat
The most comprehensive daily newsletter for nurses

Travel Healthcare Community

Helping you be in control of your career and where you want to work

Cup of Nurses
A podcast about living a fulfilling life as a nurse

Adni App
The community marketplace for healthcare workers

Bundle Birth Nurses
Community for L&D nurses

The Nurse Kristen Blog
Resources for nursing students

Purpose People
Making you feel appreciated so you can thrive on your nursing journey

Self-Care Catalyst
Ward off burnout and create work life balance

See something we need to add the list? 
Shoot us an email at 💛

Written by Cat Golden, RN BSN Owner + Founder of Nurses Inspire Nurses

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